
Why We Sold Everything to Travel Full-Time

December 14, 2021

Personal, Travel

Our First Blog Post as The Luxe Nomads!

This post has been a long time in the making. Now that we’ve been traveling for more than a month, it’s finally time to put ourselves out there with our shiny new blog. Our very first post, titled “Here’s why we sold everything to travel full-time as The Luxe Nomads,” will give you an idea of who we are and why we are traveling the world, hand in hand.

Speaking of our shiny new blog…

In time, you’ll realize that Joe and I have slightly different voices when we write. Let’s just say that Joe is the “brainier” of the two, meaning his posts will have bigger words. To give you an example, he’s the type to use semicolons in text messages. I know, bizarre—ha!

Design Geeks

One thing that I hope will shine through on our blog is our shared love for design—especially as it relates to hospitality. For example, we tend to nerd out on stuff like this:

Plain visual elements

  • Architecture
  • Furniture and décor
  • Color palette
  • Printed materials and signage
  • Lighting design

More subtle sensory elements

  • Air quality and scented smells
  • Music and background sounds
  • Quality of tactile materials
  • Guest experience and staff friendliness
  • Comfort and sleep quality

Joe and I try our best to stay informed about the latest and greatest properties. When visiting a new destination, we’ve made it a rule to visit at least one impeccably branded property. Also, part of our MO is to arrange site tours and get the full experience—we love this part!

Blog Goals

Our goal for The Luxe Nomads is to inspire you to explore the world around you, to show you what’s happening in the world of luxury travel and experiences, and to help you plan your own adventures.

So, “Here’s Why We Sold We Sold Everything to Travel Full-Time” our first official post as The Luxe Nomads!

Why We Sold Everything to Travel Full-Time and Become The Luxe Nomads

We finally did it! We sold everything to travel full-time. We sold our house, our cars (and whatever wouldn’t fit in our storage unit), and set off on our nomadic journey as The Luxe nomads. First stop: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico!

You’ve made it this far, so it only seems fair to tell you why we decided to sell everything and travel the world full-time. Below, we’ll share with you four very personal, very real reasons why we packed up and headed out on this adventure.

Reason 1: We felt we were becoming excessively materialistic.

One of the four main reasons we decided to sell everything, travel the world full-time and become the Luxe Nomads is that we felt that we were becoming excessively materialistic. We had closets full of clothes, shoes and accessories with not enough days to wear them; a two-car garage, overflowing with unused items; cabinets stuffed with seemingly never-ending piles of tabletop décor for entertaining… I’m sure many of you can relate.  

Our spending and buying habits were out of control, and our businesses were much the same. This was not sustainable and we both realized that something had to change.

Reason 2: We bought the wrong house, in the wrong area.

Before COVID-19 hit, we were planning to build a contemporary home on our city-view lot. We were beyond excited! But, as the little-understood virus turned into a full-fledged pandemic, and construction costs began to soar, our budget more than doubled. Honestly, we both got a little spooked and ended up putting our plans on hold. It could’ve been the disappointment, or maybe the rising real estate prices, but before we knew it, we’d placed an offer on this adorable home that popped up in a historic neighborhood. Crazy how things happen.

We spent the next 10 months painting, furnishing and renovating. But, while the process was fun and the house looked beautiful with all of its original 1800s charm, to me, it just never really felt like home.

Reason 3: We craved a different experience in our social set.

We realized that we had created some very unhealthy habits in our lives, and we really wanted that to change. We were drinking more much alcohol than our pre-pandemic selves, and found that most of our social gatherings also involved drinking more alcohol.

Every time we get together with our “Ireland Group” (the amazing group who flew across the pond for our big Irish wedding), we all like to reminisce about the often-hysterical shared experiences and the most incredible party ever! Was there alcohol involved? You bet! But it was 1,000 times more than just sitting back and drinking. It’s experiences like this that we crave—experiences that change us, grow us and bond us.

Reason 4: WINTER.

Goodbye winter, hello digital nomad life!

Living in Kentucky has plenty of perks. There’s the Kentucky Derby and the never-ending supply of bourbon, the gentle rolling hills and the colors in the fall. And then there’s the location, nestled between the South and Midwest regions, making it a short flight from most of the US. But, then there is WINTER. Ugh.

Each year, I object to it more (just ask Joe). The ice on the windshield, the dirty snow on the roads, and the frigid temperatures are just the beginning. I really, really, really dislike WINTER.

The idea of selling everything to travel full-time and living like a nomad started to stir last winter when our new (old) house became so drafty that being inside almost felt as cold as being outside. Unbeknownst to us, the fireplace had been disconnected and the first appointment I could get was well into the spring. We both got sick with COVID and on top of that, I had to close my business of 14 years—all during a snow storm! It felt like the world was caving in.

I’m pretty sure that’s when I said, “Next year, we’re wintering in Mexico, Benchi!” Joe had not seen his mom, or his Mexican family, since well before the pandemic started. They missed us and we also really missed them. It sounded like a win-win! Joe was immediately on board, and so the seed had been planted. Looking back, perhaps this should have been number one of our top reasons Why We Sold We Sold Everything to Travel Full-Time as The Luxe Nomads, but, anyway.

In Closing

Well, there you have it. Our top reasons why we sold everything to travel full-time. As you see, our decision to sell everything and become digital nomads wasn’t spurred by any one thing, but by several big and little ones that added up. Once we factored in the pandemic and its constant reminders of just how short life is, then it really became a no-brainer.

So far, we’re loving life on the road. We spent a month in Puerto Vallarta, which was amazing! We also spent Christmas in Mexico City with Joe’s mom and family, and now we’re in Oaxaca, which, admittedly, is a bit different than I expected, but still a great experience. Beginning January 15th, we’ll be staying in Mexico City for 2 months. After that… well, who knows!

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Searching for an interior designer obsessed with in-person guest experience? Check out Teal and Taupe
Ready to plan your lavish vacay, destination wedding or group getaway? Contact us, we can help! 

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  1. Frank T Becker says:

    We enjoyed your first blog – keep them coming, we’ll enjoy following!

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